Sunday, November 9, 2008

Picture Dump, October 8th

The night of October eighth lent itself very well to some indie rock action, and for once I wasn't stuck driving to the show. This meant I was very very drunk, and had a very very good time. And, being a visual arts student, I naturally had my Olympus E-420 glued to my drunken face all damn night.

There were actually several occasions where I forgot to take the lens cap off and couldn't figure out why everything was black. I never said I was suave.

So here we are about a month later and I just randomly found my drunken shots. I forgot about them! So I picked some of the better ones, did just basic Photoshop adjustments and cropped a few down. I have all of these images uncompressed in camera raw at stupid high resolutions if any band wants them.

And if you use these, go right ahead. Just please give image credit to me, Sheldon Stenning. Thanks a bunch.

So without further adieu, here's about seventy reasons to come out to local shows.

Kick ass local Jackson Gardner getting mad bitches:

My ex pop-punk band, The Box Policy:

Moments Of Brilliance. I remember thinking at the time that they all had the same hair:

Along Way Home
know how to pose for a camera:

Conversation sucks:
(I'm kidding, that's what their stickers say)

And then I remember being pissed off that my memory card was full.

I'd say that night was worth paying ten entire dollars.

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